Healthy Snack Boxes

by Bri Butz

Anyone else find themselves at the pantry way too often during quarantine?! Maybe you’ve carried on that habit and need some tips to take control back.  I know I’ve definitely been snacking a lot these past few months out of boredom….and reaching for unhealthy options. It’s time to get back on track and make better choices when it comes to snacks!

Snack boxes are great for keeping you in check. Most of the time we’re in a hurry and need something quick, having a snack already prepped makes it easy. Plus once you’re hangry your more likely to grab the bag of chips instead of washing and chopping up some veggies! Another advantage is the portion is already made so you don’t overdue it. I know what you’re thinking…if you’re working from home what’s to stop you from going back for more? Yes this is a possibility…but if you make a box with a variety of choices and enough to keep you sustained throughout the day, you’re more likely to have self control.


Variety is key: I’m all about routine but no one wants to eat they same thing everyday. Keep a well balanced snack box that’s not all one food group. I like to mix in nut butters and healthy dips, some type of cracker or chip, and a good mix of different fruits and veggies. You want your snack box to have texture a crisp apple, crunchy pretzels with smooth peanut butter, soft pita bread..whatever the combo, mix it up to keep it interesting.  Be sure to get a good balance of protein, healthy fats, fruits, veggies and carbs.

Eat in color: We eat with our eyes and nothing screams boring like all one color on your plate. Something about a pretty plate just makes it taste better. This is quite simple, if you’re having celery don’t put it next to a green apple and green grapes!

Make it last: Pack a box that will last you for the day. Instead of going back to the pantry your choices will be made for you already. Group your snacks together some examples are…a few slices of lunch meat and one cheese stick eat that as one snack. Later you might have an apple and peanut butter or pita bread and greek yogurt dip. Be smart about your portions, ready the label for serving sizes as a guideline. Fruit is a great choice but don’t overload on it…often times people think if it’s fruit it’s healthy. While this is true because it’s natural sugar and you’re getting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, everything in moderation is still a good rule of thumb!

Treat yourself: Healthy snacking isn’t just fruits and vegetables, keep it interesting! Be sure to get a good balance of protein, healthy fats, fruits, veggies and carbs. It’s ok to throw a treat in the mix too! Maybe a couple pieces of dark chocolate, a serving of trail mix, your favorite muffin…whatever keeps you satisfied and not deprived! 

Here are a few of my favorite combos to get you started:

  • Cucumber, carrots, cherry tomatoes, mini naan bread, hummus and grapes
  • Apple slices, celery, pretzel crisps and peanut butter
  • Mixed berries (I love raspberries, blackberries and strawberries), cheese stick and healthy chips or almond crackers.
  • Carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, greek yogurt ranch dip and a hard boiled egg
  • Turkey lunchmeat, cheese stick, grapes, apple slices and almond crackers

Healthy snacking isn’t just fruits and vegetables, keep it interesting!

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